Ep 106: How to Incentivize Progress with Gamification

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How to Incentivize Progress with Gamification

I talk a lot about progress on this podcast, and recently in a mastermind presentation I was asked about gamification and how it relates to progress. I shared just a little insight on a few ways that you may be able to incentivize progress with gamification. 

I want to highlight four key takeaways from this episode that I think you'll find helpful.

Focus on Foundational Principles 

First things first, before diving into gamification strategies, it's crucial to establish a strong foundation in your community. This means prioritizing the core principles of my Community Cultivated Framework- cause, culture, communication, and connection. Without these fundamentals, any engagement tactics you try might only provide temporary boosts, rather than fostering lasting connections and meaningful change.

Prioritize Core Skills and Habits 

Remember, engagement should always be directed towards helping your members progress in their desired skills. For example, if you run an animal art club drawing school, the ultimate goal is to improve drawing skills. It's important to identify the core skills and habits that are essential for progress and focus on developing them.

Motivate and Recognize Progress 

To encourage your members to develop the necessary skills and habits, motivation and recognition play a key role. The Progress Wheel™ is all about motivating members to take action, acknowledging their efforts, and celebrating their achievements. This positive reinforcement not only boosts their confidence but also inspires others to take action and strive for progress.

Engaging Challenges and Games 

Now, let's talk about some exciting challenges and games that can enhance engagement and progress in your community. For instance, you can organize before-and-after submissions, where members showcase their progress after specific training or practice. You can also host community feedback frenzy weeks, where members provide feedback on each other's work, with random drawings and giveaways as incentives. Additionally, habit-building challenges like a 15-minute drawing challenge, with rewards for completing it, can keep members motivated and committed to their craft.

Power of Gamification 

Gamification can be a powerful tool to incentivize progress and maintain engagement within your community. By focusing on foundational principles, prioritizing core skills and habits, and implementing engaging challenges and games, you can create an environment that fosters lasting connections and supports your members' growth. If you want to dive deeper into this topic, I highly recommend listening to the full podcast episode.

If you're looking for fresh ideas to enhance engagement and retention, I've got you covered. I've compiled a list of over 77 creative connection ideas for your community. These ideas will help you keep your members engaged, motivated, and excited to be part of your community.

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