Ep 109: The Often Overlooked Retention Killer

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The Often Overlooked Retention Killer

When it comes to customer retention, there's one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked by businesses. And let me tell you, I've experienced it firsthand. I want to share my personal journey and shed light on this overlooked factor that can have a significant impact on your ability to keep customers.

Let me start by sharing my recent experience with a subscription service that I have been a loyal customer of for many years. I've loved their service from the beginning and have even referred numerous people to them. However, lately, things have taken a frustrating turn. For the past two months, we've been dealing with a persistent issue that is affecting our ability to deliver the top-notch experience we strive for with our signature community training course, Cultivate.

We've reached out to their support team multiple times, but the bug, which we have determined is on their end after thorough auditing, remains unresolved. This has become a huge inconvenience for me and my team, not to mention the poor experience it creates for our customers. We've had to closely monitor our inbox, even on weekends and evenings, just to catch the tech issue when customers make a purchase. It's been a headache, to say the least, and has even led me to consider switching platforms, despite the significant investment it would require.

While you listen to the full episode, pay attention to these 3 mistakes businesses make when working out bugs in their products and programs. 

Mistake #1: Lack of Awareness

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is not being aware that there is a bug in the first place. In larger organizations, customer support often operates in a silo, solely focused on resolving individual tickets. This narrow focus can lead to a lack of awareness about recurring issues. As a business owner, it's crucial to foster open communication with your support team and empower them to proactively identify and address bugs that impact the customer experience.

Mistake #2: Solution vs. Prevention

Another mistake businesses make is thinking that having a solution or fix for the bug is enough. While quick resolutions are helpful, they don't address the root cause of the problem. Customers don't just want a temporary fix; they want a seamless experience from the start. As business owners, we need to go beyond quick fixes and invest time and effort into finding the root cause of bugs and preventing them from occurring in the first place.

Mistake #3: Out of Control Bugs

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, bugs are completely out of our control. This is the situation I find myself in currently. We've done everything we can on our end, but the bug lies within the subscription software we use. In such cases, it's important to apply kind but firm pressure to the provider. Let them know how the bug is negatively impacting your business and push for a resolution. If the problem persists, don't be afraid to explore other provider options. Remember, you have the power to make a switch if necessary.

Addressing Bugs for Better Retention

Bugs and glitches in your program can significantly impact customer retention. My personal experience has taught me the importance of identifying and addressing these issues promptly. We can’t overlook the little things that can create friction and frustration for our customers. By actively working to prevent bugs, finding their root causes, and resolving them, we can ensure a smooth and seamless customer experience that keeps them engaged and satisfied.

I encourage you to take a close look at your program and identify any bugs or glitches that may be hindering your customers' experience. Engage with your customer support and community management teams to gather insights and address these issues proactively. Remember, a bug-free program leads to happier customers and better retention rates.

I invite you to listen to the full podcast episode to gain even more insight, and if you really want to improve your retention rate, then work with me to improve your customer experience either as a one-on-one client or in my group program RETAIN

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