Ep 103: Basic Tools You Need to Manage a Community Team

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Basic Tools You Need to Manage a Community Team

Are you a business owner looking to effectively manage and run a team? With so many tools and advice out there, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones are truly essential. In this episode, I share insights from my over 10 years of entrepreneurship.  I try to keep it simple and share my go-to tools for team management. Get ready to streamline your processes and boost productivity! While you listen, make sure to pay attention to these key takeaways. 

Communication and Project Management Tools are Essential: 

To effectively manage a team, you need two key tools: a communication tool and a project management tool. These tools ensure seamless collaboration and efficient task management. Popular options include Asana, Monday, Trello, and ClickUp. I personally prefer Asana for its integrated communication features.

Utilize Project Management Tools for Communication: 

Instead of using separate communication platforms like Slack, our team relies on Asana's built-in communication features. This saves time and eliminates the need to switch between multiple tools. Team members can chat, tag each other, and leave comments directly within the project tasks.

Group Voxer Channel for Quick Updates: 

For quick and informal communication, my team uses a group Voxer channel. This allows us to share urgent requests, login codes, morale updates, and other time-sensitive information. Voxer serves as a convenient tool for immediate feedback and updates.

Regular Team Check-Ins: 

To ensure everyone is on the same page, we hold regular check-ins. Currently, we have twice-weekly check-ins for 30 minutes, but typically, we have a once-a-week all-team check-in. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss progress, address any challenges, and align goals.

Foster Proactive Community Management: 

When it comes to assigning tasks to team members, I prefer proactive community management. Rather than waiting for instructions, a proactive community manager takes initiative, suggests ideas, and presents plans for review. This approach empowers team members to contribute and take ownership of their responsibilities.

Effective Community Team Management:

Managing a team effectively requires the right tools and strategies. By utilizing a project management tool like Asana for communication, leveraging a group Voxer channel for quick updates, and conducting regular team check-ins, you can streamline your team's workflow and enhance collaboration. Additionally, fostering proactive community management empowers team members to take ownership and contribute to the growth of your business.

For a deeper look into this topic, we highly recommend listening to the full podcast episode. Discover firsthand how these tools and strategies can transform your team management practices and drive success in your business.

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Ep 104: Why you Don't Love your Community Anymore


Ep 102: The Future of Community for Business with Mark de Grasse, President of DigitalMarketer